Thursday, November 18
Aerosmith had some mighty sexy stuff back in the day.

Why the fuck is everybody sick? Has everyone decided to knock each other up and die of syphilis? Thanks a lot, for excluding Christina. Well actually I am kind of grateful. I mean, it's syphilis. A lot of fuckers have been absent, and school has been boring me even more. I shouldn't be talking, for I bet I bore everyone even more than when they're all alone in a panty knitting convention. Being that I talk as much as that lump of gofer turd in your backyard whom your dad is too disgusted to even clean off of the deck.

A friend made me smell two viles of lip gloss, each of the vanilla scent. She says one smells like grapes and is not vanilla. I wonder where she got that from. She's a very quirky person. Hence her last name Quirke.

I ate four bags of Doritos Cooler Ranch chips and a bag of peanut butter M&M's for lunch. It was good. I don't plan to live very long, so I couldn't really give a fuck about my diet. Call me crazy, for that indeed is what I am.

I hate my new seat in geometry class. It's right in the middle of the goddamn room, and the projector is right behind me, constantly shining its glaring tanning booth light onto the back of my black haired head. Whenever I arch my head up over my computer monitor to see the board, it covers part of the projector's image being that is displayed on the board, bringing tension from the rest of the class to me. Even worse, the teacher keeps a better vigil on me. That means more of calling on me to answer the fucking questions. Well today he didn't ask me anything difficult, he asked me to pick a two digit number, thank Jimmy Page. I don't think I have answered more than seven questions correctly in all of my classes total this year so far.

Finished the Swan Song mosaic in art class. It is so sexy you wouldn't care if you got black grout infection cuts on your genitals.

Christina N. @ 8:38 PM