Sunday, October 10
Does anyone agree with me that metronomes are pure cowshit? I think the music should just be the way you want it, then it would end up sounding better, instead of forcing yourself to be under the stupid piece of shitty plastic's tick-tocking deadline. You yourself should know if you need to slow down or speed up. And the constant tick-tocking irritates the fuck out of me, I can't concentrate, even with trying to keep the right time. Metronomes don't help. That's fucking it. Not that I'm using one, I haven't used one in years, but someone just brought up the topic of metronomes, reminding me of the pain and uselessness that the 15 dollar clock that doesn't even tell time is full of.
Boo hoo, no one fulfilled my wish two entries ago. That's really pussyshit full of you, if I had that opportunity I would've taken that dead grandmother of yours and dissed her every morsel of decency and love to utter goat bloody pieces.
Shaina, I didn't get your letter yet. Where the fuck is it? It's saddening me. See, that's why you never trust men in blue uniforms who mysteriously attract dogs' molars to their fleshy behinds.