Monday, October 18
I have a feeling a lot of people have been telling me to shut up lately. I'll up your shut.

Actually I won't, because I'm a pussy like Axl. I admit that.

I pulled a funny today and I didn't even know it.

Moi: I got my homework from last class. What was it?
Teacher laughs.

It's so funny walking in hallways and looking at the confused expressions on everybody's face in the classroom you're walking by. I guess it's human nature to turn around when you feel the presence of another being. Added to the fact that my jeans like to go swish-swish pretty loudly and my doing-on-purpose walking very loudly.

I had 2 bagels and a bag of peanut butter M&M's today. They tasted damn good. Then I ate a croissant and 5 bananas at home that my mom made me eat. Never think that I like to eat fruits.

I wear these Calvin Klein children's red sweat pants with zippered pockets for gym class. They are quite the snazzy. I've been wearing them since I was 8 years old, and they're still pretty wide. I must've had some kind of humungo ass back then or something. Playing any type of shitful sport outside is even worse when there's dog shit and blue grass seed all over the field. With a nice heaping of mud which sticks to your shoes that is the exact replica of dog shit.

Why the fuck does my room have a new smell every day? One day it's moth balls, the next it's my sensuous scent of not bathing for 3 days, another day it's cigarettes even if I don't do my chimney impression in my bedroom, or cologne, or just plain rugged mountain man.

What really perturbs me to the point of arching my brows to a perfect 90 degree angle is when people walk up to me and ask for something stupid like the time, when I specifically tell everyone that watches are Swiss cow shit, or money, when I eat like Phil Margera when he's being laid off of the Atkins diet, just so they can have a peek at the person I was having a diversely intelligent conversation with. Fuck you get your own money, to get your own watch, to go do whatever the fuck you want and leave me the fuck alone to whoever I want to be the fuck alone with and continue my useless Einsten-esque conversation with.

Another perturbing thing is when someone asks me what an answer to a question is on our papers that we're working on, even if in their absolute 20/20 clear view that I didn't fill jack shit out on my paper and that it is still white as a new pair of tightie whities and as crisp and unwrinkled as a baby's ass. They keep asking me throughout the movie anyway.

I'm really starting to dislike walking to and from school nowadays. Random people like to honk their horns at me and wiggers fill the streets like ants to a vagina. It's either I learn to skateboard, get a fucking bike, or shoot whoever bothers me.

Christina N. @ 5:42 PM