Wednesday, October 27
"My sister's birthday was on September 21st. Today her friend brought her some candy corn."
Laura said this to me at the end of desktop publishing. It makes no sense at all, for we were just talking about our project that we were just working on.
We have to design a letterhead, business card, and envelope address for either a made up company or one that already exists. Mine is called "Worldwide Pants." And I have pairs of pants decorating my beautiful, carefully made work. Thank you David Letterman, for coming up with brilliant and professional company names.
My head has been itching ever since I got home. This is not good.
Why the fuck is it that every time I finish all my work, ate all the fucking carbohydrates I wanted, watched all the television I wanted, and when I finally sit down in front of the computer, I have to take a piss? It's like my ass can't take the pressure of fake green leather and cushion foam against it.
The Swan Song collage is looking shittier and shittier by the day. I'm really ashamed of msyelf.
I'm sorry, I'm just plain out of creativity and drugs for the time being so there's nothing interesting to divulge your eyesight on and laugh about.