Saturday, August 21
Thanks to Ryan Cabrera, my trip to the mall was ruined. That fucking dipshit amplifier humping fag just had to come perform on the day I go to the mall, which hasn't been in over a month. I did not walk in peace. I did not shop in peace. I DID NOT EAT MY PRETZEL IN PEACE. It's this pathetic tour of his, going to all the Simon malls in the country. I hate Simon malls. They take all the good stores away and put all this teenybopper shit in. Teenyboppers have taken over the mall and now I have no short distance place to shop and buy pretzels. Platypus fuckers.

I saw a lot of assholes from school, and Knolls as well. I saw Dave! Haven't seen him since graduation, and he has grown so hot. He looks like a hot albino Kurt Cobain. Well albino cuz he has platinum blonde hair. I wanted to go say hi, but was afraid that he wouldn't remember me or want to talk to me or anything. But he's the nicest guy. What the fuck was I thinking? Well duh, my mom was with me.

He's the only reason that I now want to go the mall more often. I'm such a whore.

Jeannie was there, she's always is at the mall when me and my mom go. Weird.

The only reason I ever step into Hot Topic is to check out the music t shirts. Well today, it was really goddamn crowded with little kindergoths and Linkin Park fans. I didn't want to be associated with such beings. Because before, I saw this awesome David Bowie shirt, and wanted to see if the price had gotten any lower or if it was even still there. And maybe perhaps another Led Zeppelin shirt. Yes, another one. You can never have enough Zeppelin shirts. Even if they all do have the same Swan Song logo on them.

So I just forgot about stepping into that fiery teenygoth hole and went to FYE. I hate FYE too, overpriced shit. But they have a large and vast horizon of music, music, movies, and more music. I was considering buying Guns n Roses' Use Your Illusion I, but figured that a lot of people had it already, and hopefully they'll be nice kindred spirits and let me borrow their copy. Stone Temple Pilots cds are too expensive. So I just got Thin Lizzy and Tesla.

Thin Lizzy! They're pretty damn decent after all. No movie, cuz I changed my mind. Don't worry, I definitely will get How the West Was Won someday.

God, and before I kept calling it Where the West Was Won. I'm such a chickenshit.

Then went to Borders. It's a pretty cool store, but I like Barnes and Noble better, even if they don't have as much music. The awesome books make up for it. But Borders did have good drinks. I'm starting to like them more than my beloved pretzels.

Today's trip to Asshole Inc. was a sample of what I'd see in The Deep Snore. I'm scared shitless.

I got Shaina's letter today! Funny ass shit. After just coming home and stepping out of the car and getting the mail, seeing her letter, I was so jumpity excited that I almost fell over trying to get my shoes off with one hand and holding the mail in the other. Haha, there was a page big drawing of Ryan Shuck's shlong hahahaha. That girl rocks the fucking socks off the entire L.A. Lakers basketball team.

That will be the only time I will ever say rocks the socks. And mention the L.A. Lakers.

It's not fucking fair. An issue of Classic Rock magazine fucking costs 9 dollars. British people and their overcharging. 9 dollars for a magazine. That's more than 10 times worth my ass. I wanted to rip out the order page to send it in for a subscription, but there were too many people around. Jeez, give me and my schemes some privacy for once.

That was a lot of complaining. That's Christina for you. Enjoy.

Christina N. @ 9:29 PM