Saturday, August 28
We went shopping today. I didn't even know we were supposed to. Office Max, looked at kitchen appliance at Karl's, and then to Willowbrook Mall. I like that mall cuz it has marble floors and isn't a shitty Simon mall, where that fucker Ryan Cabrera could possibly be moving his mouth blurting out crap even more mindless than my crap that he calls singing and plucking his guitar like a duck plucks a ukelele.
I got new shoes that my mom paid for and we'd share them. Weird, she's 3 or 4 inches shorter than me and we wear the same shoe size. But hey it's cool she's got a whole closet filled up 4 feet high full of shoeboxes with sometimes even 2 pairs in them. She barely even wears any from the top layer of boxes.
No hot guys. Very depressing. Extremely depressing. Nothing but wiggers with ugly fuck ass bright red and blue basketball jerseys long enough to be evening gowns from the middle ages. And shiny enough for Cher to wear at a concert in front of an audience of 300,000 middle aged men who collect vintage Barbie dolls and still live with their parents who survive on locking themselves in iron lungs and carry-on oxygen tanks.
I had cinnabon sticks from Cinnabon. They tasted good. The pecan cinnamon rolls do not taste good.
Last night I had two nightmares. Two. That's what I get for going to bed fucking early. Early as in 1:00 in the morning. As opposed to my usual 3:00 in the morning. If you're one of those people who loooove to sleep and think people who don't like to sleep are fucking crazy, well then I'm insanely fucking crazy. I have no idea why I'm prone to nightmares, it's no fun, assholes. Probably cuz I'm a horrible and incredibly shitty person, and this is my punishment. Until I die of drinking ammonia by accident thinking it was Sprite and have my skin slowly disintegrate like toxic acid to conrete. And my esophagus burn up like a bad report card in a cozy bonfire by the beach.