Wednesday, July 28
Prince is cool, shut up. Although I don't buy his look and don't find him that hot.

Corners should fucking go to hell because they're in the fucking way when it's dark. Ok, this morning I really had to pee and after walking out of the bathroom in pitch blackness, I hit my head on the corner. I was supposed to turn around it, not hit my head into it. My skull made this excruciatingly loud sound on collision and to tell you the damn truth, it didn't hurt. But I think I woke up the entire house though. Haha sucks for them. Then when I got back in bed this slight bump started to emerge under my hair. Good thing by the time I woke up it was gone. Lesson learned: don't drink before going to bed.

Abbreviations are always hard for me to figure out. I most often see fata, or mh, or etid, even state ones fuck up with my mind. No no, but the hardest one to date is btbam. When I first saw it, I was like, "butt bam?" I do know gnr all too well to not know what it means, and if I didn't know, I might as well have ran into that wall instead. Vi always threatens to call dyphus or something whenever she hears about my abusive folks. It took me months to figure out that it's some agency that sues bad parents or something. But I still don't know what it stands for.

Purple Rain is a boring movie. I don't know why I'm watching it. You guessed it, Prince is a crappy actor. He mostly just performs in concerts during the whole thing, so you don't see many examples of his failure.

So, we're leaving for Hawaii tomorrow. I have the uncontrollable urge to stand up in the middle of the flight and yell, "BOMB!" Congratulations for you people, this will be my last post for a while. So my entries won't be filling up your friends pages anymore.

I now welcome your death threats to be posted, now that I'll be gone for some time.

Christina N. @ 3:58 PM