Sunday, July 18
I've been listening to way too much Stone Temple Pilots. Yes, it's another musical phase going on. I downloaded "Dancing Days" and for like 3 whole days I thought and read it as "Days of the Week". What the fuck? It's that kinky "orange" seltzer in the basement, that's what it is.

I'm very bored. And Jeannie's leaving for California on Tuesday. In two weeks I'll be in Hawaii bursting into flames. That's the second place next to the equator and a church where I'll burst into flames.

Why do I always watch Jackass before going to sleep? It's some odd ritual that I never realized til now. I was watching the movie at like 2 in the morning, and oh man is that shit funny.

I have to go to a boring ass party next Sunday. I'd appreciate it if someone would call the cellular telephonic device and keep me company, but I know you don't want to.

I started a drawing of Axl Rose a few days ago. I only worked on it for like 5 minutes and that's it. All there is is the outline of his face and it looks like a rock.

My mom seems like I could get a pair of boots. That would be awesome. Because I'm tired of having the same pair of sneakers as at least 20 other people but none of their's are in green and white. Losers.

There's nothing really to write exept random boring stuff but hey, it's my journal and I'll type whatever Satan wants.

Christina N. @ 5:49 PM