Monday, July 19
Oh shit I broke a sink today. Leaned on it, bottom stand gets disconnected, falls, shatters everywhere all over the floor. Luckily it was the one in the basement bathroom, for if it were upstairs I would've probably made the floor collapse along with it. It made a cool sound and I don't feel bad about it at all. It was my grandpa's fault for not installing it properly. But I am a little queasy about when my dad comes home from work and finds that his secret sanctuary has been vandalized.
Tomorrow have to wake up early to drop off Jeannie, her mom, and her sister off at the airport. The thing about airports is, they seem really fucking awesome to be in when you're about to go somewhere or when someone is just coming from somewhere else to visit you. It's all huge with cool machines that go around and around - its a paradise for pickpockets that master in the luggage field. And all these stores that sell cinnamon buns and coffee and spiffy souveneirs even if you do already live there and who knows maybe a hot guy here and there. And plenty of lavatory waste trucks to make fun of.
But then there's the part where the person is leaving or you're leaving. I hate goodbyes. And carrying luggage in a crappy rolling suitcase that falls over every 10 seconds spilling your underwear and whips and possessions on the gleaming polished white floor.
Last night I was bored (as usual) and That 70's Show-less, so I thought up a list of cds that must be purchased.
The Strokes - Room on Fire
Stone Temple Pilots - Thank You
Def Leppard - Pyromania
Every Time I Die - Hot Damn!
Guns n Roses - Appetite for Destruction
Incubus - A Crow Left of the Murder (iffy)
No, I don't have Appetite for Destruction and I should should smash my head on the floor instead of that sink. I'd download, but Kazaa is a piece of Gwar shit and fucked up my computer with adware and spyware crap, added to what was already in it. Another option is to look far and wide on the internet for sites that offer free downloads and struggle with pain in the ass pop-ups that come as often as another body is dumped into the Hudson River every night.