Monday, February 2
Went to a show on Friday, not bad! Bad Haircut was great but I didn't like No Ego or One Trick Pony that much. The Fine Print was really good. I heard Khantra was excellent, and fucking Lauren's mom came too fucking early and we had to fucking leave so I didn't see fucking Khantra. That's it I'm not inviting anymore losers to shows with me or making those losers' moms drive me added to that. From now on I'm going alone. I always am anyway, so there was no point to saying that.
Let's was alright. Volleyball is easy shit how could people not play it correctly? I'll leave it at that for you morons out there who can't hit a ball over a net.
Painted yellow squares in art class while listening to such emotional music I must need Zoloft or Prozac or something. Yeah, Alice in Chains and some love songs by Pearl Jam (not that they have many, and that was a cover song I think) and Frank Sinatra. Yup, I got some serious issues.
Just when I come to french class on time there's a sub! It's boring as usual, except when Danielle has one of her hissyfits.
Lunch was ok, talked to Gracie, Brittany, and Lorraine. Then came back during c lunch to talk to Amy and Brittany, again.
Wow much was actually accomplished for once in metalworking. Not that I ever accomplish anything anyway. Forging is fun. Wish that I could take Jen Remick's head, stick it in a furnace and beat it with a hammer instead.
Hung with Jeremy and the kids after school til I had to go home before the demon lady starts wailing again.
Looking back on these most recent posts that you could only see thus far, they suck. What the hell is with my archives, where the real shit happens? Oh well, for you morons who have no life and are reading this right now, I guess you're reading a phase from puberty. Ew that word bothers me.