Tuesday, February 10
It is 9:56 PM that I have started this post. I'm sleepy as fuck but don't want to get up. Oh jeez showering and brushing those pearly whites takes another hour too. Today was ok, it was a big, big relief that Heather Hodder didn't bother me today. Talking I mean. Holy shit even if she isn't talking to me she still bothers me. Knocking my pen off my desk til I can't find it, shoving papers into my forehead, disrupting my test taking, and all this BY ACCIDENT. I'm serious, all by accident. What the fuck is wrong with the bitch? Yeah I should shut the fuck up now cuz I'm starting to sound like Helen.
Anyway, there was a pop concert at the school tonight. The school sucks. I bet the concert sucks. Everything sucks. Why don't people tell me these things? Oh there's no school tomorrow, we have a half day today, it's Tuesday today, Christina your goddamn project is due next class! Yeah no one tells me a fucking thing. Hell no of course I would not have gone to the damn concert, Wait why the FUCK am I talking about this? I'm delirious, that's what. I should go to bed. But I don't wanna.
Not a single interesting person to talk to online.....another reason I should go to bed.
Oh, great, Valentines' Day on Saturday. But according to the goddamn school, it's Friday. Fuck that I'm not even gonna bother to talk about it. To tell you the truth, I have no jokes in store about it. Does that mean it reall really really does piss me off? Maybe. Yeah I'm so pissed off I can't even crack a single joke about Valentines' Day. It sucks so bad it's not even worth dissing. Yeah, I can just imagine. Damn preppies.
Forget about it! Hey I just noticed I'm very cranky right now. Yet another reason I should go to bed.
Still no one to talk to. Yes, another reason I should go to bed.
Sat at this desk in front of the computer for the same reason I am now. Nothing. Well actually, looked at Versace dresses. Or at least tried to find some. Particulary the goddess collection from a while ago. Yup, looking for thy dream dress why thy shalt never get. And I found it. Christian Dior actually. Part of the Goddess Exhibition in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Waiting just for me to wear! Oh how nice they put it on a mannequin on display and keep it clean til the day I am grown into a beautiful young woman and can wear it and bask in my glory.
Dream on. That last sentence was entirely fiction. As do with most of the shit I say. Indeed I want that dress badly. I'll put a link to it later. But remember you bitches out there, IT'S MINE.
10:16 PM right now. Why the fuck is it needed to put the time? No reason, just out of extreme boredom and laziness to get the ass off of the fucking crappy leather chair and get up to shower and brush the teeth and go to fucking bed. I'm growing even more delirious, aren't I? Repeating the same tedious and useless shit you could care less about. I bet you losers would care more about the next time someone's gonna clog the toilet in your house.
So is this what they call rambling? (haha that Led Zeppelin song) I should ramble on (haha there it is that song again) even more. Oh shit my ass is starting to get numb from sitting too long. Haha doesn't it feel good when your ass is numb and you finally get up and it starts to get the feeling back? XD What a discovery. Well a discovery for me that is.
10:26 PM (I should tell to myself, shut the fuck up) Damn this is a long post. I never realized writing in a journal would be so fun. And I've been posting for how long? Two years? What a dipshit I am. Or maybe it's just the fact that I should go to bed. The deliriousness. If that's even a word. Rambling on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about NOTHING that's interesting to me. NOTHING that's interesting to you. NOTHING that's interesting to anyone.
Damn that hurt my wrist. Ouch headache. I'm going crazy and everyone knows it from reading this. Oh well I'll just keep going on. Out of boredom and stupidity.
Let's see let's see......what to talk about? Maybe I should be like Jerry Seinfeld and talk about nothing. Wow this is the longest pause between typing all night. I guess I've run out of typing and thinking energy. Yes I have lost it. I should go to bed. I should shower. I should brush my teeth. I should go to bed. I should slap myselfe upside the head and shut the fuck up.
Goodnight, kiddies.