Tuesday, August 6
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today we went shopping with Jeannie, Branda, and their mommie!!! It was FUNNY!!!! When were in Macy's looking for shirts for my dad Kelly and Branda were playing some game or whatever and they were pretending to be these people. Kelly was Captain Hooker and Branda was Gay Master. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then Kelly said something about Branda's character and the potion and Branda didn't know any better so she said 'I am the potion!!!'. LOL!
Then when we just got out of Old Navy and were going into Bloomingdale's Branda wanted a lollipop from this stand in the giant hallway of da mall. So her mom made Jeannie take the kids and some money to buy a lollipop for Branda while me, my mom, and my aunt waited in front of Bloomindale's. When Branda came back she was running like a freaking idiot and smiling like an idiot waving her lollipop like a kid high on caffeine! Hahahahahahahaha it was like her crazy run of glory! You shoulda seen it! My mom said she runs like a duck. Hahahahhahaha she even eats the damn thing in a funny way......can't really explain it though -_-'
Anywayz on our way to the exit of the mall we usually call Kelly a poopie head. (hahahahahaha Branda made that up) But then for some reason she called her a poop. LOL XD So me, Jeannie, and Branda all started to call Kelly dat and she got all piss-ed off! Hahahahaha!
The ride home was like a drunk karaoke party.......me and Branda were screaming out these weirdo phrases like KELLY IS A POOP!!!! or ME NOT WANNA GO HOME!!!!!! or ummmm, I forgot da rest. I bet it pissed off my mom real bad cuz she made us shut up real badly a few times, but I couldn't stop laughing. Then me throat started to hurt so I asked Jeannie for my orange juice and Branda really really wanted it but her mom wouldn't let her and she started crying like a freakin' ass hahahahaha. And when we got to her house to drop her off she cried and cried til her face looked like a soggy red prune XD
Oh yeah and during the ride going around the hill Branda hit her head twice on da glass! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

You are Spike Spiegel
A laid back bounty hunter with a mysteriously tragic past. You have a cool sense of humor and would do much for people you love.
Which Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?
Weeeeeeeeiiiiiiirrrrrrrrd!!!! #_#