Saturday, June 28
Hahahaha all these quizzes I got from Jeannie's blog =p

You're California Dreaming. The land of e-
commerce, mystisism, and a laid back lifestyle.
Anything goes here. Shallowness and philosophy
walk hand in hand. What a place to visit, just
don't forget to wake up and leave.
What State Should You Live In
brought to you by Quizilla
What? Hell no! Damn California blondes and not knowing how to surf and drowning and gayness.

You are caves.
What Part of Nature Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I'm very insulted by that =p

Congratulations! You are a traditional bride!
What Kind of Bride Will You Be?
brought to you by Quizilla
No I have not been dreaming of this since I was five and no I don't want my dad walking me down the aisle.

SPRING! out with the cold in with the hott! You're
sick of wearing turtlenecks, big coats, long
pants, and closed toed shoes. You wanna get out
to the beach in your new bathing suit and
Which Season Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Hate.
You care little to nothing about people and things
around you. You are consumed by feelings of
animosity and loathing towards everything or
one thing and it affects your view of all that
is around you.
What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yay. Good for me.

What's Your Wedding Style?
brought to you by Quizilla
What the hell? You mean like independent?
Tuesday, June 24

You're Gangsta Bitch Barbie. You're tough and you
like it rough, and of course you like to pop a
cap in any wiggers ass.
If You Were A Barbie, Which Messed Up Version Would You Be?
brought to you by Quizilla
LOL!!!! I've never seen that Barbie before....hahaha it's holdin a gun XD
Sunday, June 22

you are the "you're so dumb" happy bunny.
you are brutal in your words and enjoy putting
others down.
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

South Africa -
A very cultural nation with many modern-day
strifes. Infested with crime, disease, and
political strife, it faces a constant uphill
Aiming for Change.
Global Support.
Very Unique Culture.
Crime and Political Strife Rampant.
Under Constant Scrutiny.
Very Hot.
Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hell yeah!! Unique and sexy I am! LOL XD
So you're probably wondering how graduation went? Well first of all it's middle school graduation and I gotta go to high school next year with so many new people I don't know a single piece of shit about so I don't give a fuck about graduating at all. The ceremony was GAY. But still it wasn't all that bad. Seein all my friends and making fun of my teachers is obviously pretty decent. More about that later I got lots of other crap to get to.
field day. (Monday, June 16)
Of both of the years before in Copeland, Field Day was kick ass fun. But not this year. This year was bust ass BORING. I pretty much just walked around with Amy talkin and eating. Then me and the other Christina got into a water fight lol. She calls me bitch I call her bitch she pushes me I push her back. It's friendly acquaintance I'd have to say. I don't know this is just how we talk to each other. Haha she's still my friend though ^_- Anyway well this time she had a bottle of water with her and well you know the rest. Holy shit I was soaked all the way to my underwear. Hahahaha it did not feel good...felt like I wet my pants along with major sweating problems. I couldn't wait til I got home and changed. But then my neighbor stopped me while walking home to talk. Sheesh there goes another 15 minutes or so.
Nothing exciting at all. Just did a whole shitload of chores and watched tv all day. Mostly The 100 Greatest Songs from the Past 25 Years on VH1. It was an ok list. I'm surprised "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was #1. Seriously I knew it was one hell of a great groundbreaking song but to beat The Rolling Stones, Queen, Madonna, and all those other cool artists? Shows what I know.
Hey I'm just picking random days to talk about since I have a random brain. Anywayz went to Helen's graduation party for the hell of partying. It was cool except that it was raining like the sky had a whole bunch of drinks and had to piss it all on us. Lol. Damn and people were still goin in the pool. Hahahahaha Krupa was actually dancing with a GUY. Or maybe partially guy cuz it was Dillon. Hahaha then during another slow song they were dancing again and then Tom took a picture of it. XD That was awesome! She instantly and I mean fast as someone who had explosive diarrhea running to the bathroom kind of instant went to choke him. XD I was laughin my ass off! Too bad Amy's vacationing in Florida and I can't tell her. She'd crack up so hard hahahaha.
There were more things that happened but I can't quite remember them right now.
NEVER drink too much. Trust me, hangovers are NOT fun. And don't think if you didn't eat anything you won't puke. Cuz you'd gag real hard to point of hurting and nothing would come out. You get horrible stomach aches that look like menstrual cramps and get headaches like someone's hitting your head with a bat. So remember kids, too much alochol is BAD. But that doesn't mean not having any alcohol at all is too. ^_-
Saturday, June 21
A whole lotta shit has happened in the past.......month? Oh well gotta fix some stuff here. Including gettin that damn chatterbox back.